Friday, May 1, 2009

Pink Lady

I unintentionally had Lizzie in all pink the other day as the kids went out to ride their bikes. She was the one who had to wear that sweatshirt. I had to get my camera when I realized how pink she really was:)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lizzie turns 2!!

No more babies in this house:( Lizzie turned two on Monday, and we had a little party for her on Sunday. Kaye and Jerry flew up just for the special occasion. I think she enjoyed all the love and attention.

A few pics from the party...I tried to get some decent shots of Lizzie, but she was a little uncooperative...

I made this little dress for her birthday....I decided it might look more like an apron:)

Broke down and bought her some girl Thomas trains...she loves to play with Knox and his trains...

I think Aunt Jen had a little fun buying Lizzie's gift...frilly skirt, purse, sunglasses and My Little Pony! Let's hope one of those babies she's growing is a girl:)

Grandma got her a hat that matched perfectly!

Lizzie thinks Poppie needs to wear the hat and sunglasses...

Obviously enjoying the cake...

Loved her Strawberry Shortcake balloon!

Here's a few shots of my gift to Lizzie...I actually took the time to do a real quilt binding, but cheated and didn't hand sew it down...who really has time for that?...maybe next time:) I put an "E" on it for Elizabeth...I know she's Lizzie most of the time, but I still want her to be Elizabeth...I guess maybe she can decide when she's older:)

And, last but not least, Lizzie's new bed. I saw it a long time ago at IKEA and just thought it was the cutest! Lizzie loves it and has slept so good in it. I hope that continues.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What can make this girl's heart sing?

The UPS man bringing me a lovely package of fabric. All the gorgeous colors and patterns make my mind spin with endless possibilities! I know I'm a dork...but at least I'm admitting it:)

On a related subject, I'm almost done with Lizzie's birthday present and hope to post it soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Coming out of hibernation...

It's been a while, to say the least. We had some sunny days with temps in the upper 30's and reaching 40 today and tomorrow. That's cause for Spring Fever up here in the northwoods!

I have been a blog slacker with not much of anything exciting to report, but am trying to get back on the wagon. The kids finally got a chance to go outside for longer than 10 min. yesterday. I quick snapped some shots of them all bundled up before they went out with Grandma.

Hopefully, I will post again soon as Miss Lizzie turns 2 on Monday and is even in a big girl bed!

I don't know why Knox looks so mad, but he wouldn't crack a smile, so this is all he gave me:)

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Fireman and the Pink Poodle

Here's the gang before we went trick-or-treating...Avery, Tate, Knox and Lizzie

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some Fall pics

I'm a little late posting these...seeing as how most of the leaves have fallen and it's Halloween tomorrow. But, I have to post the obligatory Fall pics:) I must add that my sweetest Godmother, Sheri, gave my kids the pumpkins. She carved their names into them when they were still little and they grew as the pumpkins neat is that.

My new favorite of Lizzie:)